What are some creative ways to enhance privacy with sliding doors?
A Sliding Door is an interior or exterior door that glides on a set of rails rather than swinging inward like hinged doors. Sliding doors are commonly found as store, hotel and office entrances and are also used as patio doors, closet doors and room dividers. They offer a number of advantages for homes, especially in terms of space-saving and ease of movement between rooms. They can be decorated with a variety of window treatments to match or contrast the design of a home. Doors offer a full view of your outdoors spaces These doors offer a full view of your outdoors spaces which can be especially helpful if you have children or pets, so you can keep an eye on them when they are playing outside. A sliding glass door can be a great addition to your kitchen, as it will allow you to cook and eat with a beautiful view of your backyard or front yard, depending on where the door is installed. Door is located in a hallway or bedroom Sliding doors do not require as much clearance a...